Monday, March 3, 2025

St. Patrick's Day Tournament

 2025 St. Patrick’s Tournament


March 15th 2025, 9:30am until 5pm.


Lackawanna Senior Center, 230 Martin Road, Lackawanna NY 14218

Sections: (Number of rounds depends on number of players per section)

The Open, this section is for experienced USCF members wanting rated games. A current USCF Membership is required for this section. (G/40;d5)

Under 1200, this section is for USCF members with a rating below 1200 who want to play rated games. A current USCF Membership is required for this section. (G/30;d5)

Unrated Section, this section is for new scholastic players who are undecided about acquiring a USCF membership. (G/30;d0)


Medals for top 3 individuals in each section.

Entrance Fee: $10.00   Bring your own lunch.

Click Here to Register